Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Poly-Portugal mailing list

(English below) participação e moderação na lista electrónica PolyPortugal. membro desde 4.Jun.06. admin/owner desde 24.Apr.08 (texto extraido de A lista PolyPortugal é um grupo de discussão e auto-suporte para pessoas que se interessam e/ou praticam o poliamor, e para quem Portugal ou a língua portuguesa é de algum modo uma referência. Alguns dos membros interessam-se também por tornar, activamente, a sociedade mais amistosa para com o poliamor em particular e para com a diversidade em geral. Por outras palavras, alguns de nós definem-se como activistas. O poliamor nem sempre é fácil de pôr em prática, e pode apresentar desafios novos, para os quais não há receitas nem tradições pré-existentes. Independentemente disso, muitas vezes, a sua vivência colide com valores mais tradicionais vigentes na nossa sociedade bastante normativa. Sendo assim, o PolyPortugal, na sua faceta de grupo de discussão e auto -suporte, é um fórum em que pessoas, diferentes entre si, mas com um interesse comum, podem ajudar-se mutuamente na busca de soluções para problemas comuns. (...) O link para o grupo não é publico. os membros são filtrados um a um, para evitar abusos, frequentes no passado, e para protecção da privacidade dos membros.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (english)
PolyPortugal is an electronic self support, discussion and activist group for portuguese speakers with an interest for non monogamous life styles. The link to PolyPortugal is not public, and it is intended so. Members are filtered, in order to prevent abuse, and to protect member´s privacy. If you think you belong to the group, please send us a short email, and we eill be glad to invite you. antidote is active in PolyPortugal electronic group since June.06 and is its admin since April.08

Sunday, November 11, 2007

"schlampige polytanten" electronic group

(german below) antidote is Moderator of mailing list "die schlampige Polytanten" since Nov/07, but participates in it since mid of 2006. The "schlampige Polytanten" distribution list, is a german language based self support and discussion group for women and trans* wiht an interest for non monogamous life styles. The link to the group is not public, in order to protect member´s privacy and prevent abuse. If you think you belong to the schlampige Polytanten send us an email and we will gladly invite you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Deutsch) die schlampige Polytanten ist ein Verteiler für Unterstutzung, Vernetzung und Ideeaustausch für Frauen die polyamoröse leben oder sich für Nichtmonogam Lebensart interessieren. .

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Articles about polyamory at the "Krake" zine

(english below) A Krake, "zine para senhoras contra-natura", é uma zine em alemão, vocacionada para mulheres e trans* que vivam ou se interessem pelo poliamor. Para encomendar a Krake, visitem "die schlampige Polytanten" antidote contribuiu com alguns artigos para vários números da Krake, e o link seguinte contém várias referências: Poly in portugal (part I), 2006 A perfect day, escrito em 2004, publlicado @Krake em 2007 Poly in Portugal, (part II), 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (english) The Krake, "the magazine for the unnatural woman", is a german language zine, directed mainly for women and trans* who live or have a serious interest in the polyamory lifestyle. If you want to subscribe it, look for "Krake" under "die schlampige Polytanten" antidote contributed with several articles to the Krake, and the following link contains references to some of them: Poly in portugal (part I), 2006 A perfect day, writen in 2004, published @Krake in 2007 Poly in Portugal, (part II), 2008

Friday, August 10, 2007

Webpage "die Schlampige Polytanten"

(english, german below) antidote é webmaster do "die schlampige Polytanten" desde Oct.07. Esta página apoia e tenta fazer convergir mulheres e trans* que se interessem por poliamor, e para quem a língua alemã é uma referencia ou mesmo o único canal de comunicação. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (English) antidote is webmaster of "die schlampige Polytanten" since Oct/07, an internet page dedicated to support and bring together women and trans* with an interest in polyamory lifestyle, and for whom the german language is the main communication tool. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (deutsch) antidote verwaltet seit Okt.07 die schlampige Polytanten webseite. die schlampige Polytanten ist vielleicht die erste Internet-Seite für die Damen aller geschlechter die sich für das Thema "Nicht-Monogamie" und alternative Beziehungsformen interessieren. Dort kannst du Informationen finden, die für dich nützlich sein können. Wenn du alle aktuelle Informationen haben willst, dann kannst du dich für den Newsverteiler anmelden, der ca. 4 mal im Jahr verschickt wird. .

Thursday, August 9, 2007

What is polyamory and how we live it, Munich, JuLe

(english below) Workshop e discussao "O que é poliamor e como o vivemos" antidote, Jacki e Illy. Munique 2007(?) JuLe, um grupo organizado de de jovens lésbicas (25-) em Munique, pediu ao grupo Polytanten de Munique, uma explicacao sobre poliamor dentro de um contexto lésbico/bi. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (english) Presentation and discussion "What is polyamory, how do we live it" antidote, Jacki and Illy. Munich 2007(?) JuLe is an organized group of lesbians under 25 in Munich, which asked us (the Munich Polytanten group) for session explaining polaymory in a lesbian/bi context.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Poly: Banca de Informacao at Porto Pride 2007

(English below) em 2007, tal como em 2006, o poly-portugal, representado por antidote, co-organizou a II marcha do Orgulho LGBT no Porto, e participou, com uma banca de informação sobre poliamor, na festa Porto Pride. Esta banca, por questões organizativas e pessoais, foi partilhada em grande galhofa e colaboração com o Bi-Portugal! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (english) poly-portugal co-organised in 2007, like previously in 2006, the II Porto CSD and antidote organized and was at the polyamory information table at the Porto Pride party. Like previously in 2006, this information stand was merrily shared with Bi-Portugal!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

"One, Many, None" at Ladyfest, Viena

(german below) One, Many, None at Ladyfest (Antidote and Illy) Ladyfest,Viena, 2007 (complete report can be found here in portuguese) You are angry about the prejudices and norms attached to being or not being in a relationship. Your partner loves somebody else, but the love between you and hir is not over. Vollbild anzeigenYou wonder how this is going to work out. You have more than one relationship or would like to and want to talk to others about multiple relationships and polyamory. You are polyamorous, you do not have a relationship right now and you wonder how to tell new romantic interests, that you can imagine having more than one girlfriend/.../boyfriend. You don’t recognise yourself in the available catalogue of possible relationship types. Friends, lovers, love of one’s live, family, sex buddies are not sufficient to describe your wishes and feelings for others. What different types of contact to others are possible? Do you have everyday experiences to recount? What about time management, compersion, jealousy, compulsive coupledom, the faithfulness principle and the monogamy commandment? This won’t be a lecture. We want to provide space to discuss wishes, real life stories, alternative relationship forms and more. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Deutsch)

Eine, keine, viele. Workshop zu Beziehungsformen (Antidote und Illy) Wie ist das mit Zeitplanung, Resonanzfreude, Eifersucht, Pärchenzwang, Treueprinzip und Monogamiegebot? samstag/saturday 13-16 uhr, 1-4pm, i:da, zwölfergasse 9, 1150 wien

Du ärgerst dich über die Klischees und Vorurteile die damit zu tun haben, dass du oder dass du nicht in einer Beziehung lebst. Deine Liebste/.../Dein Liebster liebt noch jemanden, aber eure Liebe ist überhaupt nicht vorbei. Du überlegst wie das gehen kann. Du führst mehrere Beziehungen oder würdest das gerne tun und hast Lust dich mit anderen in Mehrfachbeziehungen und Polyamorie auszutauschen. Du bist polyamant, führst zur Zeit keine Beziehung und überlegst wie du neuen Bekanntschaften mitteilst, dass du dir gut vorstellen kannst mehr als eine Freundin/.../Freund zu haben. Du kannst dich in den vorhanden, verbreiteten Beziehungs- und Kontaktformen nicht wiederfinden. Freundin/.../Freund, Geliebte/.../Geliebter, große Liebe, Familie, Sexpartnerin/.../Sexpartner reichen nicht aus um deine Wünsche und Gefühle für andere Menschen auszudrücken. Welche verschiedenen Arten von Kontakt zu anderen kann es geben? Von welchen Alltagserlebnissen kannst du berichten? Wie ist das mit Zeitplanung, Resonanzfreude, Eifersucht, Pärchenzwang, Treueprinzip und Monogamiegebot? Wir machen keinen Vortrag, sondern machen Raum, um sich über Wunschvorstellungen, reale Geschichten, alternative Beziehungsformen und mehr auszutauschen.